You deserve to cherish every single moment on your wedding day, as well as all your family, friends, and guests! Whether you just got engaged or you are a month out from the wedding, our wedding planner will meet you where you are at and give you all the help you need for your wedding. Let’s figure out which proposal is best for you !
屬於您的大日子, 應該好好享受溫馨每一刻, 好好與所有親朋好友盡興, 欣喜接受各人的祝福. 我們提供多款婚禮服務, 不論是剛開始籌劃, 又或一個月後婚期來臨, 定可切合您籌劃路上的每個需要.
That's great ! You chose love, ease and fun for your wedding ! If you want to handle your wedding with own style, but expecting to get professional advices when necessary, and truly enjoy your wedding day, please enter and see what you can get from "Wedding Angel Planning"
"尚越婚禮統籌服務" 專為追求完美的新人而設. 如您期望婚禮畫面呈現整體風格, 同時期望婚禮細節一切妥貼, 亦期望於大日子當天做個唯美新娘. 請按下鍵了解更多
Whatever mixture of emotions you are experiencing, just remember that planning your wedding is a wonderful rite of passage into your new life. If you have got the planning done, and you just need someone to bring your plans to life and ensure everything goes smooth on the wedding day! You want your family and friends to enjoy every moment right along with you. Please enter and see what you can get from "One Fine Day Coordination"
期待的婚禮囍日快要來臨! 如果您期待一切婚禮事項順利進行, 期待有專人於婚禮當天替您管理各個流程細節, 期待自己可與家人和朋友一起享受每一刻. 請按 "囍日婚禮統籌服務"
A great wedding is not the same as an expensive wedding ! To find out how Beauti-me Wedding Planner can help you, get in touch today.
歡迎與我們聯絡, 了解更多服務詳情.